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Computerised eye testing equipment has come a long way in the recent years and at Knutton & Co. we continually invest in the latest technology so we can always give you the most comprehensive eye examination.
Our hospital-grade 3D retinal scanner is an advanced piece of equipment that shows us something we have never been able to see before: a cross section of the living retina and optic nerve. This is a part of the eye that a normal eye test cannot see, even with retinal photography.
The scan is simple and painless and uses light to captures thousands of images of the retina and optic nerve, to build up a 3D image of the retina that can be viewed instantly.
The optician reviews the scans on a PC screen and looks under the retina and views all the way back to the optic nerve. This is the nerve that leaves the eye, carrying information to the brain to be processed in the visual cortex.
The instrument is good at detecting and monitoring various eye conditions such as macular degeneration and glaucoma, amongst many others. It measures the thickness of the retina and optic nerve and the detail achieved helps with the early detection of problems.
Software cleverly examines the data and provides detailed reports. The software compares the data with subsequent visits so that comparisons can be made to the baseline scans.
Any scans with suspected abnormalities are sent to an eye consultant for advice.
Nearly half of all sight loss is preventable so early detection is particularly important. Regular screening gives peace of mind, especially if there is a family history of eye problems.
We include 3D retinal scanning in both our Private and Enhanced NHS appointments as we feel this is an essential part of a comprehensive eye examination. It also helps us maintain social distancing as we don't need to come as close to you for long periods of time.
We think that everyone should receive the same care and attention and have access to the latest equipment, including our NHS patients.
We allow up to 45 minutes for an eye examination so that you won’t feel rushed. The optician will perform all the tests themselves, explaining the results as they go and answering all of your questions.
Our retinal 3D scanner cost over £30’000 and patients are already seeing the benefits. This technology allows us to see areas of the eye previously hidden from view, and clever software allows us to compare scans with previous visits.
This essential part of a comprehensive eye examination is included in both our private and enhanced NHS eye examinations.
Measuring the eye pressure is important as high readings could mean you have glaucoma or are at risk from it. Glaucoma is usually picked up at routine eye examinations and initially gives no symptoms. If undetected it can lead to blindness. Early detection can prevent this.
We measure pressure using a device called an iCare. It’s the latest in pressure-measuring technology and is quick, easy and comfortable, without the anticipation of the older air puff procedure that so many people dislike. Combined with a 3D scan which analyses the optic nerve, the optician can rule out any issues.
If your pressures are high, we may ask you to return for a visual fields examination to check the areas of the edge vision that glaucoma affects. You may also be dilated so that we can examine the optic nerve in more detail. Early detection of glaucoma is critical and often treatment is a simple eye drop.
The test chart we use is digital, and on an iMac which offers crisper letters making subtle judgement easier. The red and green test, called the duochrome, works particularly well on a screen and is used to fine tune the prescription. We can also check your eyes muscle balance and ensure there are no issues which could result in eyestrain. We will sometimes prescribe prism in your glasses if there is a muscle imbalance which relieves discomfort.
Our record system is now digital. We store your medical details securely and encrypted, including scanned images, letters or other information relating to your eye health. This allows us to seamlessly contact your GP or consultant, if you need referring for further investigation or treatment. We use an online NHS referral system which speeds up the referral process. Should you need referring, the optician will discuss your options and your will be a given a choice of location if possible. We can also help with any private referrals.
One of the commonest symptoms patients present with is dry, gritty, or runny eyes. This is made worse by computer screens which cause us to blink less. We can examine your eyes during your consultation and provide advice and guidance if you are diagnosed with this common condition.
Common solutions include in-eye lubricants and heated eye masks which we carry in stock.
At the end of the eye examination, your optometrist will advise which lenses would be best for you, taking into consideration your home and work life.
There are many lens options available ranging from simple single vision lenses to our most popular lenses, varifocals. Most patients over 40 are wearing varifocals, you just can’t tell, as they're invisible.
Varifocals are the lenses that give the most natural vision for the over 40's. Taking glasses on and off all the time or swapping between two pairs can be incredibly annoying. It also makes you look older and results in more broken frames and scratched lenses.
Varifocals are perfect for everyday use where moving from far to near is a common occurrence. This includes looking down at your phone, seeing prices in shops, seeing a meal in front of you, or looking at the dashboard of the car when driving.
Not all varifocals are created equal, we will advise you on which would suit you best. We use branded Varilux lenses that vastly reduce problems and patients tell us they love them. They invented the varifocal. 95% of people get on well with modern varifocals so don’t be put off by those telling you they didn’t!
We are seeing more and more patients who benefit from a specific pair of additional glasses for computer use or for a particular hobby or pastime, including music. The different distances involved create unique requirements that can be solved using an occupational or office lens, or a single vision lens set at the correct distance. This reduces eyestrain and allows for more comfortable vision.
Reading glasses can also be extremely useful, especially for reading in bed or when you just want the full area of the lens to be dedicated purely to reading. Many of our patients wear varifocals generally but keep a pair of reading glasses at the side of the bed, for undisturbed night-time reading, where a wide field of view is the most important thing.
We supply a range of high index lenses that are thinner and lighter than a standard lens. This improves the comfort and appearance and is particularly important for higher prescriptions.
Treatments such as tints (usually for sunglasses), transitions that change with the light, or polarised to reduce reflections, are also available in all lens types. We use the latest genuine Transitions lenses. They invented the plastic photochromic lens and are continually improving it with each generation.
We supply all of our lenses with multi anti-reflective coatings. These minimise the light loss at the lens surfaces and improve the quality of your vision. The multiple coatings, which are applied to both surfaces of the lens, also improve the cosmetic appearance of the lenses making them disappear so people can see your eyes and not a mass of reflections.
At the end of the eye examination the optometrist will provide you with a printed prescription and will pass over any advice to the dispenser and stylist who will discuss your final lens requirements and help find you a frame that you love. They'll make sure it's fitting correctly and suitable for your lenses.